Author Archives: minalrh

About minalrh

A wanderer lost in the world of sensibilities. Often reading, writing, experiencing or selling!

Before…Before I met you 

Before I met you 
Like a cloud swaying adrift,

Melted snow unable to meet a serene lake 
A cherished dream, unachievable 

Subdued energy in a black hole 
A flawless flaw, occurring at intervals 

Soul separated from a soul 
Shattered body with stark wounds,

A listless child lost in the dead world 
I was all this and more BEFORE 

I met you my love, my Valentine. 


White drapes and sheets 

When I was born, I was sunshine 
In the White drapes and sheets,

I was cuddled and kissed.
I wanted to run, play, dance like everybody else   

But I was not allowed to; there were curtains, White ones.
I was not to wear a dress, skirt or frock, as I did not know how to sit or stand 

I wore pants but couldn’t be a man!
Suddenly one day each and all noticed blots of red on White drapes and sheets.

I was grown or rather outgrown as they said
I see the drapes and sheets as they are White in its purest form and me…


Dear #Hanumanthappa 

 When you were alone guarding the peaks and mounts,

We didn’t care

You were buried beneath ice for days,

Yet we didn’t care 

You came out safe and our eyes opened, 

yet we didn’t care much 

Money, donations, comments, tweets, hashtags

 oh! We do care

Today it’s the second death, they say

But! All we have is a promise: 
To care…
We promise to you daughter that the world will be good 

We promise to your bereaved wife that world will be kind 

A promise to a desolate village that songs of valour will be sung

A promise that we won’t forget why you have done what you did
Death is for mortals,

Not immortals like you 

Dear Suman… 

Coloured plate of veggies show her austerity,

She can change a dumb mannequin into a repository.

At 5’2″, she truly stands tall,  

For at 16, she learned and learned it all. 

Various counties, different cuisines,

Suman travelled alone, following passions and dreams. 

Because it was at 16, 

That her handwritten letter was delivered by an Air India pilot,

Informing her dad that she was safe in London.

Bold, headstrong, kind and gentle.

Passionate and sincere, she even tried handshakes with Jews,

Suman was a lone lady to strike deals at the 9th Avenue! 

Her small specs hide her microscopic eyes,

Within her, a quiet ocean of knowledge lies. 

Small cute feet have treaded all along,

From, Canadian Times to B&H, eBay and Sears. 

And you bet she’s still strong! 

Often you hear her say, ‘And you know? You know?’ 

She leaves you gasping for more and more. 

Her disciplined childhood and explorative zeal,

Gives her magnetic charm and charismatic appeal.

With a satchel and laptop bag to the right,

Suman always makes the office space bright! 
–Miss you Suman

    Stay blessed wherever you are…

To my dearest friend…

The chatter, talks, laughter and giggle,
With you, it was as if moments drip and dribble.

I wish there was a way,
To tell you, what my silences hardly convey.

Our differences, limitations, liabilities and strife,
Hardly enhance this listless life.

But like lost friends, we have met after years,
There must be a reason why we connect like seers.

Your dark past clouded your present,
But friendship showed a beautiful light of crescent.

No words or explanations friends ever need,
They never stop, start, begin or ever leave.

Whatever it is, whatever it may be,
It’s beautiful always when it’s we!

Between your world and mine 

There’s a wall, a transparent one that divides us 

Between words, spaces, expressions, languages, idioms – it exists. 
Day by day, it becomes stronger,  

The wall decides the civilised and uncivilised, raw and polished, emotional and practical. 
It rules, supremely across: expectations, behaviour, decorums, protocols


What is said, is never meant or done. A farce, yet the wall is cemented each day. 
Between our minds, thoughts and aspirations, us 

In totality, there exits a wall. It’s silent presence scraps the wounds.  
Norms, traditions, beliefs and principles binds it, holds it, lest it may fall

The wall; cracked, old, moist, nearly-dead yet alive. 
Driven by actions, ruled by mind, 

The eternal, immortal wall, between your world and mine, it stands!

On a crowded platform

I walked, on a crowded platform
All alone
Faces lost, in the sea of time.
Trying to decipher dissimilar – actions and expressions
I knew they were watching me,
All four sides, complete and occupied
I am no different, just the clothes are little queer and tongue a little weird
I see they like to speak,
But they never talk to me
Between us silences create a line
That defines me and them!
I walked again, on the crowded platform
All alone
Trying to find myself…

I See You

A beautiful poem, I stumbled upon

Veracious Poet

hearder image

I see you.

In the midst of thousands of sayers,

I see you.

I only pretend I am not looking but

I see you.

You speak of homes and pools and flowers.

You speak of pain, sorrow and disappointments.

Still, you shine like a diamond.

I just don’t know what to say to you;

(I enjoy your photos).

Maybe we can begin with a dialogue

And see where the road leads.

No one can compete with you

For my attention.

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Thank You Maa!

When I fell, you held me tight,

When I cried, you wiped my tears

You would gauge my restlessness by my voice.

You fed me, when I was not hungry,

I was alone, without friends, but you were there

You were up before sunrise, and I reached school on time.

When I told you about my first and last break-up,

You told me I shouldn’t be crying for those who do not care

I learnt how to value relations and yet be positive, from you maa.


It was my turn to look after you, 
to hold you, when you fell

Support you, Nurse you, Feed you and Wash you

Was it a cleansing ritual or a role reversal?

Between two souls it was communicated silently.

After thirty-eight days you walked out of the hospital, without an assistive support

My admiration for your fighting spirit, maa increases day by day.

I have learnt that you can be me but I can never be you.

— Dedicated to my mother on her 61st Birthday!

An Alternative

We met, we spoke, and we connected well.

And then we met again, with feelings strong that wouldn’t quell

We touched, kissed and hugged each other.

As if there was nothing in this world that would bother

Then there came a time, when things were replaced.

There was dislike (the time, days, minutes, and seconds) and distaste

Dried, tanned, rough, brown – marks on the beach,

Left by wayward waves, language lost with the speech


Reduced. A beautifying wall painting to a poster.

There was an alternative and an old proprietor…